My Work

Here are some examples of work I’ve done in the past.

Summer In the Park 2024
(Crossroads Theatre, Producer)

I produced the 2024 Summer In the Park slate of theatrical offerings for Crossroads Theatre in their 2024 season. This involved extensive logistical planning, contracting, and budgeting. I tracked expenses, liaised with all departments, and communicated with our producing partners. I also managed key members of the production team, including the marketing team, front of house team, and production manager.

Play Pretend Collective
(Artists collective, Co-founder)

I co-founded Play Pretend Collective, a collective of artists in the Greater Toronto Area producing TTRPG gaming events, workshops, and digital media. I co-manage the collective’s social media accounts, moderate the Discord server, act as Producer on all digital media, and plan events.

In This Place, We Brook No Malice
(Digital Media, Producer)

I was Producer and Co-Director for the audio project In This Place, We Brook No Malice, a documentary-style dive into the basement of a Toronto pub, where strangers gather to play monthly games of “Dungeons & Dragons” with friends and strangers. I hosted all interviews assisted with recording, editing, and story production, and led the process from pre- to post-production.

Click the link above to listen to this three minute project on Instagram. Coming soon in podcast form!

Joys And Splendors (Audio Drama/Podcast, Producer)

I was Associate Producer and Script Supervisor for this three-part audio drama released as a podcast. I handled contracting, budgeting, marketing, and distribution.

Listen now wherever you get your podcasts!

Crossroads Theatre
(Theatre, Producer/Youth Programmer)

I’m the Executive Producer of Crossroads Theatre, the only professional theatre company in Northwest Toronto. As Executive Producer, I not only manage the company, but I serve as a Producer on all of our stage plays and other projects. I also teach some of our youth education programs, including TTRPG-based after school programs, which I designed specifically for our unique community.

(Stage Play, Producer)

I was Associate Producer for otîhêw, a Métis-Cree reimagining of Shakespeare’s Othello written by PJ Prudat and directed by Lisa Nasson, for Shakespeare in Action. This production was the company’s largest and most successful in terms of both budget and audience attendance.

Dauntless City Theatre
(Theatre, Producer/Stage Manager)

I filled different roles at Dauntless City Theatre over multiple seasons, including as a Producer and as a Stage Manager.