Get the party started.

Learn how to play D&D with your child, or help your child learn the game.

I provide two types of D&D lessons for youth: lessons for caregivers and children who want to learn D&D together, or lessons for children who want to learn D&D without their adult’s participation.

I recommend your child(ren) be at least 8 years old with adult participation, or 10 years old without adult participation. It also helps if your child is able to focus for 20-30 minutes at a time, and can do basic math and reading, but it is okay if they need your help with that part!

I offer a three hour crash course as a first lesson. The crash course covers the very basics and gets you ready to jump in and give the game a try. This might be enough to get you started! If you want to know more of the rules, or have a little more help, I'm very happy to do follow-up lessons.

I have a lot of experience working with kids and youth, both in arts programming and in other contexts. I currently run programming at Crossroads Theatre, a theatre company where I am also the Executive Director. In the past, I worked in group foster homes and in emergency childcare centers. I also have a Masters degree in Psychology. Running games of D&D is my favorite thing to do!

Each lesson is $100 if conducted over Zoom, or $125 if conducted in person within the GTA. Lessons are three hours long, with short breaks as often as you and your child(ren) need.

If, after your lesson, you want to play the game, but don't have someone who feels comfortable running it quite yet, I'm also happy to be your Dungeon Master for a similar fee per session.

After you submit this form, I will contact you within a day to schedule your lesson. Once the lesson is scheduled, I will give you instructions for making your payment. Please make your payment any time before your lesson (or contact me to work out another arrangement). Your payment is refundable up to 24 hours before your scheduled lesson. If you need to cancel less than 24 hours before your lesson, the fee is not refundable, but I will be happy to reschedule your session at no additional cost.